Personal shorebreak

2009, Photography

My next photo series is a set of photographs I made today while visiting the Dutch coastal town of Zandvoort. There is so much going on and so much to see at beaches and the’re great stages for photography in my opinion. I think of the beach as showing off, many people being a swagger, being beautiful or thinking being beautiful. Somehow many of these coastal towns aren’t that pretty, some are like almost vulgar, some try to remain mondain, but they still bring lots of enjoyment to visiting people. The combination can be strong and compelling to me.
Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma
A young guy carries a chiwawa dog.
Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma
Try reading a newspaper on the beach with at least windforce 5.
Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma
Some racing at the nearby race circuit.
Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma
Google the comment on the chair!
Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

Zandvoort by Wouter Brandsma

All photographs by Wouter Brandsma

16 thoughts on “Personal shorebreak

  1. Fascinating series, Wouter. I understand your feelings towards these cities so well – and I think B&W beach photography is really great, because – I, at least – always think of the colors in this context, but if you take them out – blue sky, turqoise water, red ice-cream, yellow sun – it really helps to underline this feeling of vulgarity.

    The photos are edited really harsh, which for me generally works very well, as also do the black frames. Seeing the opener of the series I thought of something very different, though. But the closing shot works really well – for me, it´s a very fine example of a “walk-into-the-frame” shot that I like more than the ones in your other post some days ago. My favorite shots are probably number 2, 4 and 15, and my Dutch is, as bad as it is, sufficient to not to have to google the comment on the seats! 😉

    Thanks for sharing, this is really a strong series!

    1. LOL, Northsea and turqoise water? You know better Fabian.

      I really wanted to go different here and make it all harsher. More contrast, grainier. So thank you for your comment.

    1. I absolutely tried to avoid the chlichés shots, but there was really so much to see. Without the family I would have taken more time, but I was away with the family and you don’t just want them to wait too long 😀

  2. Wouter, this is a fantastic series. I really like it and how you processed the pictures.
    I have to say that I have seen a change to your style recently (after your holiday), you use a stronger contrast and more noise in your pictures. Also you focus more on cities and people than before. Your recent pictures are darker and more gritty, especially in this series. I really like the change and think it works very well but if I would have seen these pictures somewhere else I could not say that they are yours.

    1. You are probably right. The change in processing and focus makes me rethink my photography. Since I work on both things an immediate style won’t be there for me, but that is all part of the learning process for me.

  3. I love the first picture and the 9th picture.
    I like snap shot photography.
    With Ricoh GX-200 and Caplio 8, I shoot memo-photography every day.

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